The journey from sea to plate
Working closely with Irish fish suppliers to source the best tasting Irish haddock, whiting and hake, Donegal Catch is a key stakeholder in the Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) backed Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs), which focuses on improving the sustainability of Irish fisheries. Donegal Catch procure 100% of it’s Irish haddock, whiting and hake from Irish co-ops and fishermen who are members of the Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs). This ensures Donegal Catch brings consumers responsibly caught Irish fish which is fully traceable back to the boat.
Learn more about the Donegal Catch Irish haddock, whiting and hake sea to plate journey. Find out where in Irish waters the haddock, whiting and hake are sourced, the importance of Fishery Improvement Projects, the fishermen involved and our processing team who have been supplying Donegal Catch for almost 40 years.